понедельник, 3 декабря 2018 г.

Jaypee-Jaypar-Meet Me Again 2018 (LOSSLESS) Mp3

 Выпущено 03.12.2018


JAYPEE-JAYPAR(aka JP-JPR , real name Pierre CHARLOT) is a blues/rock folk solo acoustic project born in 2014
As an experimented guitarist in the metal / hardcore french scene for more than 15 years (former guitarist of Crawling in Sludge) I wanted with this new project to enlarge my musical influences without any pressure and constraint but the voice and the guitar. Therefore, you can find a bunch a influences in my style from classical music to metal or hiphop, but mostly blues, rock and folk music.
The overhall impression of the musical atmosphere isn't far from the actual blues scene (William Elliot Whitmore, Scott H Biram, Kelly Joe Phelps, Björn Berge, Seasick Steve,...) But you might feel sometimes as well a persistance of metalhead tastes for bands like Alice in Chains, Down, Neurosis or Clutch.
The voice is a mix between Tom Waits, Lemmy Kilmister (rip) and Eddy Veder, blended and served in a smoothy glass with a staw hat!
About the texts, the personal and logical choice has always been to write in english, according to the musical style. Nothing political or proselityc in here! Here again the themes stick to the style: freedom, sharing, respect, frendship, excess an parties!

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